What happens when you decide to just live your life? When you decide to take a few moments (minutes, days…. years? Hey however long it takes)to simply love who you are and present that person to the world?
The other day, someone mentioned to me that they noticed I’m wearing a lot of purple or blue lipstick lately. They crinkled their nose a little when they said this… then they asked why. They, as well as others, have asked with disdain, others with reverence and some with a little bit of awe; a reaction I am actually still a little confused about. My goodness, it’s just lipstick! Maybe. My choice to do what I want with clothes, jewelry and makeup, the way I express my individual beauty, seems to elicit quite the response in people. Well, let me help everyone get a little understanding of me: the response it elicits in me is one of fierce independence and self acceptance. Wearing these shades of lipstick especially purple makes me feel beautiful, regal and is a direct reflection of my confidence. Even on the days I don’t feel so confident. Yeah, it’s my boost. It’s also just one way I give myself permission to be unapologetically, beautifully and deliciously me.
So, my people, what illicits that response in you? What makes you feel unequivocally, fiercely, boldly you? In a nutshell the full reason I wear these colors on my lips, wild sunglasses, unique clothes, my hair beautifully intertwined and loc’d up and whatever else I’ve got going on, is because I feel like it. It’s just my outward expression of me. Oh and hell yeah, I think I’m cute. Damn cute :). Whatever makes you feel bold, sexy, lovely and Simply you, go ahead and do it! Putting your truest self forward, the self that makes you let go and love you, can only be an asset to everyone around you.
#findyourvoice #DoYou #YouAreWorthyToBeYou